Junghye Han (Eileen Han)

2021 hello! mr. SEA

2021 No more Plastic  hello! mr, sea! 

2021 6월 3일 -6일까지 성수동 언더스탠드아베뉴 전시 환경의 날을 맞이하여 날로 심각해 지는 바다오염을 생각하며 

mbc와 환경재단 공동협약(총괄디렉터/ 서영희)으로 진행된 프로젝트 9명의 자수작가와 10명의 어린이가 꿈꾸는 바다!  

오래되고 안 입는 옷들을 업싸이틀링한 작업을 위해 새롭게 도안한 angryfish, sleepingfish, runningfish,  dancingsquid의 작업과정입니다.

2021 No more Plastic hello mr, sea! Exhibition at Understand Avenue Seongsu, June 3rd-6th, 2021 To commemorate World Environment Day and to raise awareness on pollution of the ocean, 

a collaborative group exhibition of 9 embroidery artists and 10 children and the sea they dream of was shown by MBC and Korea Green Foundation (directed by Seo Young-Hee). 

 These are progresses of “Angryfish”, “Sleepingfish”, “Runningfish”, and “Dancingsquid”. Han used and up-cycled old clothes that were no longer worn. 2021 No More Plastic. hello! Mr. Sea! 
